4 tech jobs to think beyond programming

Pic: UniFOA

The technology market continues to be the fastest growing in Brazil and in the world. By the end of this year, in the country, investments in the sector should total more than R$ 345 billion, according to a survey by the Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies - Brasscom. The offer of vacancies to work in the sector is also great. There will be almost 800,000 new jobs created in Brazil by 2025, according to the entity. It is common for the programming area to be the most remembered when talking about this job market, but other positions are also relevant and can bring promising careers. With that in mind, Joel Backschat, CTO of the FCamara Group and host of the Orange Juice Podcast, a technology and innovation ecosystem that enhances business transformation by providing development and technological solutions, comments on the role and importance of four other positions to inspire those who plan to do Technology career:

1. Information Security

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"
Data security is increasingly relevant in organizations, in view of the significant volume of cyber attacks and the requirements related to the protection of personal data. “The professional who works in this area is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of the data and ensuring that they are accessed only by those who have permission or rights. This involves maintaining and updating systems, adopting protection tools, monitoring network flow to identify vulnerabilities, administering systems and resources, among other requirements,” explains Joel.

2. Scrum Master

Como o próprio nome sugere, o profissional em questão é o mestre do Scrum, uma metodologia voltada ao desenvolvimento ágil de softwares e de outros projetos. Sua função é liderar a equipe, orientar e apoiar seus membros, facilitar a comunicação e a colaboração entre eles, guiando as atividades para que elas ocorram da maneira esperada. ”O Scrum Master fica responsável por garantir que seu time entenda os princípios da metodologia Scrum, potencializando o trabalho da equipe e da empresa como um todo. Por isso, é desejável que ele tenha boas habilidades de comunicação e proatividade”, aponta o executivo do Grupo FCamara.

3. Product Owner

As the name suggests, the professional in question is the master of Scrum, a methodology aimed at the agile development of software and other projects. Its role is to lead the team, guide and support its members, facilitate communication and collaboration between them, guiding activities so that they occur as expected. ”The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that his team understands the principles of the Scrum methodology, enhancing the work of the team and the company as a whole. Therefore, it is desirable that he has good communication skills and proactivity”, points out the FCamara Group executive.

4. QA (Quality Assurance)

In this position, the main responsibility is to ensure quality in the development of a product or service. The QA must carry out this assessment in accordance with the customer's requirements and established technical requirements, preventing failures and nonconformities. “In addition to quality, it evaluates aspects such as security and credibility in software development, all of this through tests aligned with business strategies and requirements that must be met”, emphasizes the CTO.

About FCamara Group

The FCamara Group is a technology and innovation ecosystem that leverages business transformation by providing development and technological solutions oriented to customer results, with high specialization and operations in the main players in the retail, health, insurance, banking, manufacturing industry , among others. After immersion in Silicon Valley, he founded his own Corporate Venture, which has already launched several startups with a B2B focus.

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