It's great to have a company that specializes in condominium management. For this, there are condominium administrators, and more than that, there are good and traditional condominium administrators.
However, the ideal choice depends on the knowledge and understanding of the type of services they offer and how they can help condominiums.
The main service of a condominium administrator is to take care of the administrative, legal and human resources areas of the condominium.
In short, the chosen company is responsible for the most practical and bureaucratic part of condominium management. Among its main duties are:
- Prepare employee payroll and employment contracts;
- Issuing payment slips for the condominium fee;
- Manage accounts payable;
- Organize access to condominium documents and the accountability folder;
- Manage social security charges;
- Tax management of the condominium;
- Assemble income and expense statements;
- Carry out collections in case of default or fines;
- Guide the management of the condominium reserve fund, in accordance with the provisions of the Condominium Agreement;
- Provide advice to the landlord and tenants.
All services provided by the condominium management company must be stipulated in a contract, which must be respected by both parties.
It should also be noted that all final decisions must be taken with the agreement of the liquidator, who is primarily responsible for the condominium. If a problem occurs during the mandate, the manager will be the first to respond civilly and criminally.
However, there is a joint liability between the condominium and the administrator. This means that, if the problem is caused by the administrator's mismanagement, the company may also be liable in court for the act. Therefore, there is a civil (and sometimes criminal) responsibility of the condominium administrator, as well as the autonomous condominium administrator.
What are the benefits of hiring an administrator?
Hiring a condominium administrator is not mandatory, but nowadays with so many obligations, dates and fines, hiring brings a series of benefits to the collective heritage, residents and the trustee himself.
Some of the advantages of having a condominium manager are:
- Receive qualified assistance when taking care of bureaucratic, accounting and legal issues of the condominium;
- Better control of defaults, as the company has more experience on how to carry out legal collections;
- The manager's workload is reduced, leaving him with more time to focus on other demands and new ways to improve community life;
It is possible that the administrator assists in holding assembly meetings, employee training, raising budgets with outsourced companies, and other essential activities of the condominium routine.
By dealing with the accounts of several condominiums, companies specializing in condominium administration achieve reductions in bank fees. In this way, they can manage the condominium budget, seeking to reduce expenses, which also contributes to the reduction of the value of condominium fees.
How to evaluate before hiring?
The first thing to do is assess the situation of the condominium. Does the enterprise have the financial conditions to hire a manager? In addition, it is essential to analyze the profile of the liquidator himself.
These analyzes are essential, considering that both parties must work together to improve conditions and provide even more harmony to the condominium.
*José Roberto Iampolsky is CEO of Paris Condomínios, a company created in 1945 to manage condominiums and rentals.